Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Shortage Leaves Red Cross Desperate for Donors


To most, summertime means beautiful weather, being outside, and spending time with friends and family. But for the Red Cross, summer is hardly carefree. People are least likely to donate blood during the summer months, leaving the organization scrambling to get donations in order to avoid blood shortages.

Many Advanced Studies Program (ASP) students said most commonly that low body weight and a fear of needles prevent them from donating blood. Although this reluctance to donate persists throughout the entire year, hesitations are bolstered during the summertime.

The Red Cross contacted the school earlier this year to schedule a blood drive during the Advanced Studies Program. The ASP provides an excellent venue for a Red Cross blood drive because there is a plethora of eligible donors.

“They [ASP students] are like a customer for life if you can lock them in early,” said Courtney Jackson, the ASP Assistant Director in charge of the blood drive. The Red Cross wants repeat donors, so it tries to encourage donations as early as possible.

“For an hour of their time, the patient [donor] can stand a little discomfort to save a life,” said Carolyn McNamara, a Red Cross worker who organizes blood drives at St. Paul’s.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood and more than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day, according to Red Cross statistics. By donating one pint of blood, a person can save up to three lives.

The blood drive will be Wednesday, July 7 at Gordon Rink, located on the St. Paul’s School grounds, from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m.

“It’s a great way for people to have easy access to donation services,” says Linden Rayton, the marine biology intern for the ASP.

“[The blood drive] serves a really great purpose, it’s very organized, and it’s a great way to get the community together,” echoed Hillary Paul, an assistant director for the ASP.

If you are interested in donating or volunteering, there will be signups on Monday July 5th, and Tuesday, July 6th at lunchtime in the Coit Common Area. You can also email Ms. Jackson at cjackson@sps.edu or stop by Room 12 in the Schoolhouse to sign up. Please include what time you would like to donate or volunteer in the email. According to the Red Cross, the full donation process will take about an hour and 15 minutes, so plan accordingly. And if you would rather volunteer, the time slots are about an hour.

If you are 16 years of age, you need to have a parent release form signed, which can be picked up in Room 12.

If you do decide to give blood, here are a few helpful tips in order to prepare you for your donation:

* Make sure to have lots of iron in your system in the days approaching the drive.
* Get a good night’s rest for the couple nights before and drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
* Try to eat healthy foods
* Remember to bring your donor card, your driver’s license, or two other forms of ID.

If you have more questions, feel free to check out the Red Cross’s website: www.redcrossblood.org

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