Many Advanced Studies Program (ASP) students have found themselves indulging in the large variety of desserts offered in the St. Paul's School dining hall. According to Larry Fischer, who oversees the day-to-day operations of the dining hall throughout the summer, the St. Paul’s School baker tries new items during the ASP because there are fewer students than during the normal year. This fact has not gone unnoticed by the students here this summer.
“I feel like a lot of the soups are desserts - they're just posing as soup,” said Studio Arts intern Elissa Rodman.
Although many indulge, some students have managed to avoid consuming extensive amounts of dessert. In a recent survey about the ASP desserts, one student indicated they did not eat dessert at all, while another student said that they ate dessert only once a week.
“I really like the M&M cookies,” said Ecology student Ethan Emerson, after having recently trying the cookies for the first time at ASP. Jo Estevao, a student in Forbidden Fictions, said that she has eaten one or two servings of ice cream a week while at the ASP.
Of the students participating in a recent survey of students regarding their dessert consumption, 77% said that they eat dessert at least once a day. Many students said that they indulge in the desserts, eating more than they normally would at home.
“I eat dessert two times a day and I never eat dessert at home,” said International Terrorism student Jackie Ekins.
Part of this stands as a result of the variety of choices that the dining hall provides.
“The trifle is a big hit” and “[the] sundae bar is huge,” said Mr. Fischer; but “the soft serve machine is probably the biggest hit every summer.” The soft-serve machine was donated by the ASP about four or five years ago and has remained a hit with students, interns, teachers, and the rest of the community ever since.
Some students struggle with the all-too-frequent decision of which dessert (or desserts) to choose.
“Some days are soft-serve days and other days are pie days. It's like you're forced to eat it because what if they never serve that pie again?” said Ms. Peterson.
The silver lining in all of this indulgence is that the ASP community clearly enjoys the food prepared by the dining hall staff.
“I guess it's good if I'm eating so much of it,” said Ms. Ekins.
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