Thursday, July 22, 2010

Traditions Bond Students, Alums to the ASP


To those unfamiliar with the Advanced Studies Program (ASP), the terms feed, serenade and Playfair may sounds like gibberish, but these classic ASP traditions, that have lasted for decades, are often students’ fondest memories from their summer spent at St. Paul’s School.

Courtesy: Brendan Cohen
“We used to order pizza from a deli nearby, and throw big pizza and ice cream feeds,” said the Honorable Joseph N. Laplante, a graduate of the ASP in 1982 and a former resident of Conover 20.  Although twenty-eight years have passed since he was a student at the ASP, Judge Laplante recalls many ASP traditions that continue on today.

“I remember the talent show,” recalled Judge Laplante.  “Two other guys and I put together a three-piece rock band and performed songs by the Ramones.”

When asked about his favorite memory, Judge Laplante immediately responded: “There was lots of pranking, and dorm rivalries. One time, my dorm and I went on top of the roof of Drury House, which used to be a guys dorm, and spelled out Con-20 in toilet paper and shaving cream.”

Although such pranking is no longer common at the ASP, many of the old traditions still remain and are well received by students.

Courtesy: Brendan Cohen
“I liked Playfair the best,” said Jo Estevao, a current student in Forbidden Fiction. Ms. Estevao said she likes the ASP traditions because “they appeal to a wide audience, and put people out of their comfort zones.”

“If everyone is open minded, it makes them fun” said Steph Wright of Conover 20.

“When people aren’t willing to participate, and just sit in the corner, it’s never fun” added Jeff Asselin, David White, and Nick Sullivan of Foster House.

“Everybody likes to be part of something,” said Annie Trowbridge of Middle House. “They let you do something fun together.”

However, change is always inevitable when looking toward the future.

Courtesy: Brendan Cohen
“Most traditions will stay around,” said ASP Director Michael Ricard. “Perhaps (some) aspects will die out. Feeds and serenades will be closely considered [concerning heteronormativity] because it causes dorm bonding. We won’t eliminate (them) entirely, but there is no reason to make sure traditions are not as inclusive as possible.”

“I suspect that there will be changes as times go on,” said Brendan Cohen, ASP class of 2000 and house supervisor of North. Cohen commented that many different aspects of the ASP traditions have changed over the years.

“When I was a student at the ASP, dorms would choose which dorm to serenade, and they were much more spontaneous. This was changed though, because it caused problems because some dorms would be serenaded all the time, and some wouldn’t be serenaded at all,” said Mr. Cohen. He also added that there used to be a seated lunch twice a week, which was eliminated due to scheduling issues.

That said, whether it is serenades, feeds, Playfair, or even fruit break, the traditions of the Advanced Studies Program not only contribute to the fun of the program, but they also help members of the different classes and dorms to bond and will forge into the future.

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